Wallet Connect

Wallet Connect enables a seamless connection between your dAPP and a wallet. We setting up Wallet Connect for multichain transactions on Ethereum, Ethereum Sepolia, and Polygon. For detailed information and advanced configurations, refer to the Wallet Connect documentation.

Supported features

  • Pairing: Establishing a connection between a wallet and a dAPP.

  • Session Management: Connecting, approving, rejecting, and disconnecting sessions.

  • Transaction Handling: Sending and managing transactions.


To establish a pairing, use the following code:

const uri = 'xxx'; // pairing uri
try {
    await web3wallet.core.pairing.pair({ uri })
} catch (error) {
    // catch error happens while pairing

Session Management

When a dApp sends a session proposal to a wallet, it triggers a session_proposal event. To handle a session_proposal event, you need to set up an event listener and define the logic for processing the proposal.

web3wallet.on('session_proposal', onSessionProposal);

Approve Session

To approve a session proposal, construct the appropriate namespaces and call the approveSession method:

await web3wallet.approveSession({
    id: proposal.id,

Reject Session

To reject a session proposal, use the rejectSession method, providing the session ID and a reason for the rejection:

import { getSdkError } from '@walletconnect/utils';

await web3wallet.rejectSession({
    id: proposal.id,
    reason: getSdkError('USER_REJECTED'),

Transaction Handling

When a dApp sends a transaction request to a wallet, it triggers a session_request event. To handle this event, you need to set up an event listener and define the logic for processing the request.

web3wallet.on('session_request', onSessionRequest);

Approve Transaction

To approve a transaction request, construct the appropriate transaction details and call the approveTransaction method:

await web3wallet.respondSessionRequest({ topic: session.topic, response });

Reject Transaction

To reject a transaction request, use the rejectTransaction method, providing the request ID and a reason for the rejection:

import { getSdkError } from '@walletconnect/utils';

await web3wallet.rejectTransaction({
    id: proposal.id,
    reason: getSdkError('USER_REJECTED'),

Last updated