Usage and signing data

After you have a logged in user object from the callback or home page, you can do the following:

User information

Get the anonymous account ID

const accountName = await user.getAccountName().toString();

Get the username

const username = await user.getUsername();
const shortUsername = username.getBaseUsername();

Get the DID

const accountDid = await user.getDid();


The logout() function logs out the current user from the application. It performs necessary actions such as clearing session data and revoking authentication tokens to ensure the user is securely logged out.

 await user.logout();


Sign a W3C verifiable credential

const vc = await user.signVc("", "NameAndDob", {
    name: "Joe Somebody",
    dob: new Date('1999-06-04')

const verifiedVc = await vc.verify();

Authenticate to your server


const vc = await user.signVc("", "UserAuth", {
    accountName: await user.getAccountName.toString()


const verifiedVc = await vc.verify();
const userDid = vc.getIssuer();
// save userDid as the account unique user ID

You can also use the same flow above to send all requests, which adds integrity protection and non-repudiation to all requests to your server.

Sign a document


Sign a blockchain transaction

Step 1. Modify your Antelope smart contract to accept signatures from users signed into your registered app (see Register your app). If you have deployed the smart contract to the same account as your App, then you can get the permission name with get_self(). If not, then you can use one of the Pangea helper functions to lookup the permission name with the origin or username.


#include <tonomy/tonomy.hpp>

token::transfer(const name &from,
                        const name &to,
                        const asset &quantity,
                        const string &memo)
    require_auth({from, get_self()})
    // or
    require_auth({from, tonomysystem::tonomy::get_app_permission_by_origin("")});
    // or
    require_auth({from, tonomysystem::tonomy::get_app_permission_by_username("")});

Step 2. Use the API to sign the transaction

const trx = await user.signTransaction('eosio.token', 'transfer', {
    from: "me",
    to: "you",
    quantity: '1 SYS',
    memo: 'test memo',

Sovereign storage vault

Store data


Request data


Send a peer-to-peer message

const msg = new Message.signMessage(
    { foo: "bar" }
    await user.getIssuer(),
    await user.getWalletDid()
await user.sendMessage(msg);

Last updated